
Analysis of Hypervisor Breakouts

In the course of a current virtualization research project, I was reviewing a lot of documentation on hypervisor security. While “hypervisor security” is a very wide field, hypervisor breakouts are usually one of the most (intensely) discussed topics. I don’t want to go down the road of rating the risk of hypervisor breakouts and giving appropriate recommendations (even though we do this on a regular base which, surprisingly often, leads to almost religious debates. I know I say this way too often:I’ll cover this topic in a future post ;)), but share a few observations of analyzing well-known examples of vulnerabilities that led to guest-to-host-escape scenarios. The following table provides an overview of the vulnerabilities in question:
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RA Guard (Evasion) – We Stand Corrected

Recently  Jozef Pivarník and Matěj Grégr published an excellent write-up on RA Guard & evasion techniques. Amongst others they tested the “undetermined-transport” ACL we described here and here. As it turns out the “workaround” for implementing undetermined-transport on platforms seemingly not supporting it, causes some bad collateral damage: the respective port does not forward any IPv6 packets any more (this was brought to my attention by Roberto Taccon). We had done some tests after applying it (by means of the “workaround”) but we had just looked at fragmented RA packets (which did not get through => test succeeded). So, frankly: the undetermined-transport trick does not make sense at all on the “unsupported platforms”…

Jim Small didn’t notice this either, in his great presentation at the North American IPv6 Summit (which, btw, to the best of our knowledge is the best overview of ACL approaches to counter common IPv6 attacks on the local link).

Furthermore it should be noted that Jozef and Matej describe some really interesting ways to evade current implementations, incl. an evasion variant merely based on extension headers (without fragmentation) that we hadn’t been aware of before. These will be included in these workshops.

Obviously much more research (and vendor scrutiny) is needed as for RA Guard…

have a great week everybody


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IPv6 Attacks & Pentesting Workshops

Due to “popular demand” and given Marc couldn’t join us at the IPv6 Security Summit (as flights into FRA were canceled that day due to snow) we decided to invite him and Antonios Atlasis another time, to present their knowledge, skills & voodoo in two workshops held in Heidelberg, in late June. More details can be found here.

See you all potentially at the Heise IPv6 Kongress, take care



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RA Guard Support


on the [ipv6-ops] mailing list currently there’s some discussion about RA guard support on switches from different vendors.

Stefan, one of our students (btw: working on a topic similar to this session), quickly put together a preliminary list, based on publicly available information (read: the WWW ;-)). Some of you may find this useful; it can be found here. Furthermore on the list this link was mentioned which seems to provide some info as well (albeit potentially not very up-to-date).

If anyone of you has better/more information pls feel free to share by leaving a comment. The IPv6 security comment will thank you for that 😉



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